Saturday, 4 February 2012

Mi primera clase de español

So, today I had my first proper Spanish lesson at the university. For the next 11 weeks I will have four hours of Spanish every Friday. - Two lessons in the morning, in lecture form, where the focus will be on grammar, as far as I can gather. Then I have a two hour break, because there was no room in the study group session straight after the lecture, which means I’m back in the classroom again from noon til 2.

The group session focuses more on vocabulary work and talking. There were only about 15 of us present today. In groups of 4 we answered questions about a book called La chica del tren, which we had to read the first four chapters of for today’s lesson. A few of the students hadn’t read it. Luckily I managed to get hold of it yesterday.

Neither the lecture nor the group lesson were particularly difficult, but I would have struggled if I hadn’t know any Spanish in advance, I think. I noticed that I have quite an extensive vocabulary compared to the others in my group. (Thank you, MosaLingua flash cards!)

When we had finished talking about the book, we moved on to a written assignment we were supposed to have prepared. We were meant to share this brief text about ourselves with each other. I think I did quite well, and according to la profesora I hadn’t made any mistakes either. ;-) The others in my group had interesting, well written texts too. Then, when we had gone through our presentations we talked a bit about what we did in our spare time. None of us were fluent enough in Spanish to speak correctly all of the time, and we frequently had to guess at words or use Norwegian or English ones, but it was great fun simply trying to keep a conversation going in Spanish about dancing, playing football, doing magic and playing the ukulele.

I’m very much looking forward to next Friday!

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