Thursday, 26 July 2012

Blogging Carnival On Bilingualism

I have finally taken the leap and joined the blogging carnival on bilingualism, at least in the form of contributing a post. The July carnival is hosted at Non-native bilingualism and the topic this month is (unsurprisingly) non-native bilingualism, which naturally explains why I decided to get involved. From what I can gather raising bilingual (or multilingual) kids can earn you raised eyebrows in the best of families/circles of friends, but never are they arched higher than when it is revealed that you are doing so in a language that is not strictly speaking your mother tongue. It has been a great relief to me to discover that I am not the only one out there who is endeavouring such a feat.

My own contribution discusses what happens to my kids' language when school is out for the summer.

The carnival features new topics each month and is a well of information and inspiration to anyone interested in enriching their children's, and their own, lives with the love and knowledge of more than one language. Check it out! ;)